Masters of Brera ®

> Canvases' Installation photogallery

Masters of Brera at Shanghai at Liu Hai Su Museum Of Modern Art
November – December 2008

Patronages: Fiera di Milano, Fondazione Italia – Cina, and Enjoy Miart
Supported by Regione Lombardia, Promos, Unionecamere Lombardia, Italianlink and Mob.

The installation Masters of Brera has been presented at Shanghai completed with other personages
till to arrive at 100 Masters of Brera although it deals of a synthesis work and not of a succession of representations. Federica Berner wants to present a movement not this or that personage.
In Shanghai the exhibition has done to accompanying, container and background to the works of 120 artists and their galleries.

Introduction to the exhibition and curator Rolando Bellini history teacher at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera Milan - Italy Intervista a Rolando Bellini Intervista a Federica Berner





Masters of Brera at Valdicastello Carducci
near Pietrasanta (Lucca) Italy
July – september 2006

Patronage and support by Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Pietrasanta

The cloths of Masters of Brera have been exhibited in the garden of Carducci’s house at Valdicastello together with two sanguines of Giosuè Carducci on occasion of the poet’s honours.

Introduction to the exhibition: Raffaello Bertoli – President of literary Carducci’s Premium.



Master of Brera at Soho – New York City
May 2006

Patronages: Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera – Milan- Italy, Casa Italiana Zerilli – Marimò of New York University, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York
Supported by Artemide, Bisazza, Natuzzi e Citterio.

The aim of the exhibition is to bring to Soho, through the works of Federica Berner, a commemoration of the artistic climate of Milan in the 1960s. he artist continues her artistic journey also through the fitting choice of locations to exhibit this work. Soho, not accidentally, is the neighborhood most corresponding to Brera in Milan and to the Giubbe Rosse in Florence, where the artist has previously exhibited her works.



Masters of Brera
Exhibition preview at the Banca Commercio e Industria before leaving to New York
May 2006

Patronages: Accadema di Belle Arti di Brera – Milano - Italy, Casa Italiana Zerilli- Marimò della New York University, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York
Supported by banca Commercio e Industria, Artemide, Fratelli Branca Distillerie, Your Personal Shopping.

“The elaborate graphics of Federica Berner set themselves, today, like graceful and emotional shadows, like “other” presences in which the design lives an exclamatory corporealness thanks also to the support chosen by the artist, very thin veils, of unusual and restless lightness and transparency. An effect of grand influence and very rare impact descends, allusive from the internal dialog with the story of their creator, which starts up again right in these graphics of unquiestionable physiological pregnancy of meaning. It deals then with an history incarnated right in these forms which are fleeting and nevertheless strong, of many historic characters who Federica Berner is able to depict, always before, without uncertainty, censure, or corrections, fully transported from memory and from creative emotion".

Rolando Bellini history teacher at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera – Milan, Italy





Masters of Brera at the Giubbe Rosse
September – October 2003

Patronages: Regione Toscana, Provincia di Firenze, Agenzia per il Turismo, Esercizi Storici, Fiorentini
Supported by: La Rinascente, Le Giubbe Rosse, Credito Cooperativo Fiorentino

The introduction has been written by Simone Siliani
Spokesman for the Arts of local government of Florence.
Curator of the exhibition Rolando Bellini art historical and professor at Brera
Textes of Fernando De Filippi
Director of Brera Academy



 In this photo: Salvatore Esposito and Ettore Sordini



Brera People
Exhibition of portraits at “silk court” of Banca Commercio e Industria
May 2001

Patronage: Comune di Milano

The exhibition “Gente di Brera” propose a survey of the persons who played a great deal to create the cultural and artistic Milan life, together with artisans, storekeepers and other persons who characterized the area. The personages and the persons represented in big and little oil paintings form a group only apparently heterogeneous, but are all joined by the consciousness
to belong to the history and to the tradition of the Brera’s neightbourhood.

In this occasion has been published the book “Gente di Brera” by Valentina Edizioni with texts of Andrea B. Del Guercio, Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti and Guido Vergani.

Lightness by Artemide



Copyright Federica Berner 2008 - 2015
